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Blog and news

Material proudly supported by
Mindfulness with Dr. Walsh: 
from relaxation to resilience
training course

Upcoming training:

Level 1: Establishing a Practice - 22/2/22 - 29/3/22

Level 2: Developing the Inner Witness - 10/5/22 - 14/6/22

Level 3: Fruits of Resilience - 13/9/22 -18/10/22

Mindfullness virtual sessions - TBC - Register your interest

Mindfulness Full Day Retreat- Sunday 4 September 2022

Royal Domain Building, Rooftop Function Terrace 

370 St Kilda Road, Melbourne 3004


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© Since 2002 as MINDFULNESS.ORG.AU. created by Dr Chris Walsh

Version 2 site developed by Nan Yu from 2016 -2021

Reformatted as MINDFULNESSTRAINING.INFO IN 2021 by Dr Chris Walsh

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