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Mindfulness with

Dr. Walsh

from relaxation to


Achieve relaxation & beyond: a group course based in evidence and experience by a specialist doctor & mindfulness pioneer

Upcoming training:

  • Level 1: Establishing a Practice - 10/5/22 - 14/6/22

  • Level 2: Developing the Inner Witness & Building Mindful Resilience- 13/9/22 -18/10/22

  • Mindfullness virtual sessions - TBC - Register your interest

  • Mindfulness Full Day Retreat- Sunday 4 September 2022

  • Mindful Re-Presentations - Sunday 6 June 2022

  • Mindful Re-Presentations - Sunday 2 Oct 2022

Royal Domain Building, Rooftop Function Terrace 

370 St Kilda Road, Melbourne 3004

What is the training course?
Mindfulness with Dr Walsh: From relaxation to resilience offers practical and evidence based group courses which are tailored to your needs and challenges. They are designed for beginners, intermediate and advanced practitioners as a structured levels evolving over time. Learn more about why do mindfulness here.

All training proceeds go towards supporting the public Resources available at and our awareness raising efforts.

Mountain Landscape

The Structure
Please note: all Group Classes are now undertaken virtually due to COVID-19.

This group training consists of three levels and can be followed by advanced specialist modules depending on your skill level and experience.

Each level consists of six weekly 1 - 1.5 hour classes (starting at 6:30pm), are self-contained

and supported by soundtracks, materials and homework exercises

(accessible after receiving your password).

Learn more about our overarching approach to training here


Level 1: Establishing a Mindfulness Practice

Steadying the Mind

 22 Feb - 29 Mar 2022 

This level is designed for those who are new to mindfulness, we will focus on understanding mindfulness and exploration of different types of mindful practices/ trainings.


We aim to set you up for a sustainable mindfulness training routine that will help you to achieve an inner steadiness, a place of inner calm that can eventually be accessed even when in states of high agitation.


This in turn will help you to better deal with the stressful and challenging situations at work and home. It will also bring about an opening of your mind to more fully appreciate and be nourished by the many joyful experiences that often slip past unnoticed. 

By completing this course, you will begin to uncover many of the benefits that mindfulness has to offer beyond relaxation and stress management (learn more about the benefits here).

Level 2: Developing the Inner Witness

Even steadier & exploring your mind

10 May - 14 June 2022.

This level is specifically developed for those who would like to progress after completing Level 1 or at least 6 weeks of another mindfulness training, or have already established their own regular practice (please contact us to discuss your suitability).


During this level, you will experience the benefits of increasing mindful resilience. You will learn how to develop an increased capacity to sit with emotions and pain without being reactive.


This in turn will help you to develop the capacity to observe your thoughts, emotions and impulses more objectively without getting so caught up in them.


The skills and techniques here (see details here) will enhance your emotional intelligence, empathy and your ability to make decisions, communicate and cope with a world of ambiguity and pressure. It will help you to be a better team player and a better leader if you want that.


If you are affected by conditions such as pain, anxiety, stress, depression or sleep disorders, Dr. Walsh can tailor the approach to help you deal with them.

Level 3. Cultivating the fruits of resilience

Achieving new heights with your mind

13 September  - 18 October 2022.

This level focuses on practical applications and creativity. You will continue to develop your capacity to hold emotions, thoughts and impulses without being reactive.


With this increasing steadiness of the mind you will be able to notice more subtle sensations, emotions, thoughts and impulses.

It then becomes much easier to use mindful awareness to deliberately change habits that are on automatic pilot. As many of our habits are not optimal, this can be very helpful.

It can be useful in a social interactions, in retraining physical skills and changing habits of thinking and feeling. We will be exploring this process during this level.

As the mind quietens more, it becomes possible for our deeper creativity to bubble up. A deeper wisdom can also appear in this space.


This is similar to waking up in the morning with the solution to a difficult problem just appearing in your mind.

We will be exploring how to deliberately encourage this process and how to distinguish this spontaneously arising wisdom from childlike fantasies and wishful thinking.

The fine print:

*Medicare rebate is available with a GP referral (referral template here). See bookings page for further information on the out-of-pocket (OOP) expense with and without a referral.

* All participants need to notify Dr Walsh of all active or potentially active medical or psychiatric conditions. This will be important for the tailoring of the training to your particular needs​





We understand sometimes testimonials can be useful in helping you to learn about our courses. Unfortunately, as a medical practitioner, Chris Walsh is not able to provide testimonials.

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Royal Domain Building, Level 1, Suite 108,

370 St Kilda Rd. Melbourne, Vic, 3004, Australia

Ph: +61 (0)3 9699 9374. 

Paid street parking along

St Kilda Rd, Albert Rd, Park Street and Wells St

Trams: 3/3a, 5, 6, 8, 16, 55, 64, 67, and 72

Tram stop 20, named Park St.

P : 03 9699 9374   |   F: 03 8677 9363

M, T,Th   |   8:30am - 5:30pm

        Except days of mindfulness courses

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