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Resources: general public

Resources covering mindfulness concepts and specialty techniques for everyone

Resources proudly supported by
Mindfulness with Dr. Walsh: from relaxation to resilience
training course

Resources: general public

This section contains mindfulness and meditation resources for the general public.

We hope you find these public Resources useful and if you are not sure where to start, how to best use the resources on this site or how to take your practice to another level, we are here to help. Please feel free to:

  • subscribe to our mailing list, where you will receive a small number of emails providing you with easy to follow directions on how to get the best out of our resources, ranging from beginner to more advanced materials

  • attend one of our Mindfulness with Dr. Walsh training courses. They are evidence based, practical, tailored and structured, which will take your practice from Level 1 through to Level 3. All public Resources you see here are proudly funded by the training courses, which will provide participants with additional course materials after enrollment.

Additional useful links can be found here.

Note: for course participants, please feel free to bring any resources from here that you would like to discuss further with Dr. Walsh.

Mindfulness basics

What is mindfulness and how to get started? This article will provide the basics that you need to begin your journey on mindfulness.

How to assess a mindfulness teacher

Nowadays a commercialised form of Mindfulness has become popular and it has been referred to disparagingly as McMindfulness. It is difficult to distinguish this type of opportunism from people genuinely trying to spread the benefits of mindfulness widely to areas such as the corporate sector, sporting teams and the armed forces. If we are being truly compassionate and believe in equal opportunity then there is no reason why these people would need or deserve mindfulness any less than those working in schools and hospitals. So the question is:


How can you tell if a mindfulness teacher is right for you?

Just worrying technique

This article will show you how to use the 'Just Worrying' technique to manage that constant and repeating worrying or bad thought that just will not go away. In fact, the hard you try, the more you are reminded of it! Start with this exercise...

The Mindful Check-In

Helping you to tune into yourself and how you are in the present moment, this technique is a simple method you can employ any time any where. It will help you to switch your mind effectively between different situations such as walking into important meetings, between the office and home...

Urge Surfing

Urge surfing is a mindfulness technique can be used to help with any addictive behaviour such as gambling, overeating, inappropriate sex or any other destructive impulses.

Mindfulness in Action Technique

These techniques are useful for bring mindfulness into the activities of everyday life. Like the mindful check in, mindfulness in action techniques can enhance pleasant experiences including bringing forgotten positive experiences back into awareness.

When we use techniques of whitewash or distraction without acknowledging the original distress, it will almost inevitably lead to increased distress. We can then be left with a sense that the original feeling was not real or valid. The suppression of an emotion without allowing it to be processed will usually result in increased muscle tension and internal physical stress.


How can this mindfulness technique help you in this situation?

Workplace Mindfulness

Mindfulness can make work more rewarding and enjoyable. It can help us to better deal with ambiguity and pressure, as well as become more efficient, creative and better transformational leaders. In addition, it can also help us to better manage stress and look after our work-life balance. See how you can incorporate mindfulness into your workplace here.

Freeing Yourself from Destructive Thought Habits

Destructive thought habits can cause clinical anxiety and depression. This article explores the 4 destructive habits (catastrophising, focusing on the negative, blaming and worrying), as well as an effective mindfulness approach in dealing with them.

Pleasant moments calendar

If we don’t feel happy, it’s tempting to look for things to fix: the job that isn’t prestigious enough, the apartment that’s too cramped, our partner’s annoying habit. But focusing on all the negatives is a guaranteed way to feel even worse. What can we do?

Much has been written about the benefits of mindfulness for people suffering a whole array of medical and psychiatric conditions. But what about the carers - those people who devote their lives to caring for the dying sick and disabled? This article explores the challenges that carers face and how a practical mindfulness exercise can help.

Mindfulness for Men

There is a great deal of evidence that mindfulness is of great benefit to men’s health. However, mindfulness can be easily dismissed as a woman’s activity. How can you convince your beloved partner, husband, boyfriend, uncle, father, grandfather, brother … to participate and benefit from mindfulness? This article will be a good start for you.

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