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Resources proudly supported by
Mindfulness with Dr. Walsh: from relaxation to resilience
training course

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Mindfulness in Education



Online Resources for Mindfulness Practice


Online Courses (although online courses are not substitutes for live courses, due to enhanced teacher-student interaction, engagement, tailoring and learning experience, they can be a really helpful supplement or a way to get started when a live course is not accessible):


  • Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance: An excellent free Australian course put together by A. Prof Craig Hassed and Dr Richard Chambers from Monash Univerisity.

  • Be Mindful Online: This course is run in partnership with the UK charity; the Mental Health Foundation and takes participants through all the elements of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)


Soundtracks and mobile apps:


  • Dr Chris Walsh’s website with articles and soundtracks found under Resources section.

  • Insight Timer (free): A timer with bells. Helps you to keep track of how much you have been meditating. It's also social networking app, which informs you who is meditating at the same time nearby and around the globe. Multiple soundtracks are available in multiple languages. Use those by Dr Chris Walsh or under the playlist mindfulness. Be mindful - some of the others, especially more new age style ones, can actually be harmful by promoting avoidance and stimulating dissociation. Dr Walsh’s sound tracks can also be found at

  • Headspace (first 10 sessions free then $70): Nice, well paced soundtracks with a pleasant English voice. It is graduated meditation with the first 10 days consisting of 10 minute soundtracks. If you like these, it is worth paying $70 to continue.

  • Buddhify ($7.99) This app is great for mindfulness in action. It has lots of soundtracks narrated by several different people with British accents. These soundtracks are arranged by situations you might be in such as going to sleep, waking up, feeling stressed, work break, parks and nature.

  • iTunes U is free and lets you download tracks from universities around the world. If you type in UCLA Mindfulness you can get lots of good quality American soundtracks for free.


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