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Applied Mindfulness
for Better Relating

 - at home,
- with friends
- at work

Special 1 day workshop

  • Addressing persistent or repetitive relationship  problems 

  • Learn better relationship understandings and skills 

1 day retreat
One day mindful re-presentations workshop with Dr. Walsh



This 1 day workshop is designed for anyone who wants to improve their relationships with themselves, partners, family, friends or people at work. Anyone who wants to contribute to a world where people respect each other's dignity is likely to enjoy and benefit from this workshop. 

All training proceeds go towards supporting the public Resources available at and our awareness raising efforts.

1 day mindfulness retreat by Dr. Walsh, constellation, practical, mindful, anxiety

This workshop will use action methods of learning. These methods create an immediate live experience of some of the more difficult-to-grasp concepts that are so important for effective mindfulness practice and effective relating. Some of these methods will be derived from Dr Walsh's many years of experience running family constellation workshops  and mindfulness training


The workshops will focus on:


  • Deepening mindful acceptance and a nonjudgmental stance can make you more effective in the world

  • How to approach difficult feelings and experiences without being overwhelmed by them

  • Precise tuning into body sensations

  • Developing genuine compassion for yourself and others without increasing your vulnerability to abuse.

  • Finding a healthy place for yourself in groups where you feel like you belong without sacrificing your individuality.

  • Recognising and dealing with hidden dynamics in groups that sabotage finding this healthy place of belonging.

For more detailed information about Mindful Re-Presentations found below workshop details.

Workshop details


Two workshops in 2022

1. Sunday June 6

2. Sunday October 2
09:15 arrival for 09:30 start - 5:00 PM


Where: Roof Conference Room, 370 St Kilda Rd,

(Opposite the Shrine of Remembrance) Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Food: Morning and Afternoon Tea will be provided. Cafes available nearby  for lunch.

Retreat materials: Once registered, you will be sent introductory reading to help you prepare for the workshop

Book a spot: via our short course booking page (here) by selecting Mindfulness Retreat. The training fee is $240.00.

Getting there:

Parking is available in St Kilda Rd, Dorcas St, Albert Rd, Park Street and Wells St


Public Transport: Train - Flinders St Station station is the closest. 


A pleasant 20-minute walk along St Kilda Rd


or a 6-minute tram ride: to Tram stop 20, named Park St.

Then walk 100 meters back toward the city to 370 St Kilda Rd.


More Information about Mindful Re-Presentations


Mindful representations help us to better manage our relationships with loved ones, family members, friends and work colleagues by:

  • specifically addressing persistent or repetitive relationship  problems.

  • giving us a set of understandings and skills that equip us to better manage these relationships.

Mindfulness is not just something we practice sitting on a cushion in a quiet place. We can bring mindful awareness into our day-to-day lives. By being mindfully present, pleasant events like eating good food or going for a walk on the beach can become even more pleasurable. Difficult feelings like pain and anxiety and become more manageable.

The way that we can use mindful awareness is as a tool to explore the world in a more open way. When we do that, we gain useful insights and we also find ourselves naturally gravitating towards more skillful actions. We plug into this wonderful aspect of mindfulness when we practice mindful re-presentations. Mindful of re-presentations allow us to explore the hidden dynamics that drive our relationships with loved ones, family, friends and work colleagues. They are particularly useful in situations where people feel stuck in their internal analysis and stories do not seem to be helpful.

We do several representations in a day-long workshop. The basis of any representation is an issue that one of the group members is struggling with. We will call that group member the seeker. We then clarify the issue while getting minimal background information. We keep this information minimal so that we don’t get trapped in the same stories been ineffective for the seeker.

We then ask the group members to represent key players in the seeker’s dilemma. Those members are then placed in positions in the room by the seeker in such a way that it represents their eternal picture of the issue. Then everyone in the group quietly and mindfully observes what emerges. Physical sensations, emotions and impulses come quite clear to the representatives. This gives the seeker a visual and sensory representation of their issue. This then allows previously hidden dynamics to emerge. Sometimes we need to get more information from the seeker to confirm or deny facts that seem to be implied by the experience of the representatives.

 In families, it is not unusual for the hidden dynamics to be embedded in serious events that happened one, two or even three generations before. For example, a grandfather who returned from the Second World War with PTSD can have serious effects on both his children and grandchildren. In normal psychotherapy, these transgenerational issues are almost impossible to deal with effectively. However, they are very accessible in the process of mindful representation.

As we do this work, we become aware of a rich interconnectivity between everyone including excluded and forgotten people. This even extends across generations. We then get a very real sense of how we humans are all in the same boat. We become aware of the huge historic forces that are constantly affecting us all. This leads to a natural sense of compassion for both others and ourselves.

We also become better at seeing and managing the complex interactions between groups of people. One obvious example that of blended families. When a mindful representation includes everyone, including ex-partners, becomes much easier to see skillful and respectful ways of managing complex relationships even when one of the people involved is behaving in very difficult ways. Once you have been to 2 or three of these workshops, the process of engaging with these dynamics in a skillful way in the real world tends to become second nature.

Retreat details

Upcoming training:

Level 1: Establishing a Practice - 22/2/22 - 29/3/22

Level 2: Developing the Inner Witness - 10/5/22 - 14/6/22

Level 3: Fruits of Resilience - 13/9/22 -18/10/22

Mindfullness virtual sessions - TBC - Register your interest

Mindfulness Full Day Retreat- Sunday 4 September 2022

Royal Domain Building, Rooftop Function Terrace 

370 St Kilda Road, Melbourne 3004

Mindful Re-Presentations: More Info



We understand sometimes testimonials can be useful in helping you to learn about our courses. Unfortunately as a medical practitioner, Chris Walsh is not able to provide testimonials.

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